
Politics / Health / Sustainability

Emily King, Spira

Emily King’s vision is to lead change in Aotearoa’s food systems and sow seeds for businesses and organisations to do the same. She believes that knowledge is power and is in no doubt that we are living within a troubled food network. Her brilliant book Re-food, published in June 2023, reminds us why and how our food choices matter and it is a must-read for all of us. A former environmental lawyer who is deeply driven by climate change and wanting to do more to advocate for positive action, Emily is the founder of Spira, a company dedicated to shaping the future of our food by helping organisations to build sustainability and food resilience while meeting commercial ambitions and contributing to a system that better enables healthy people and a healthy planet. She leads an engaging conversation that addresses the many challenges we face with soils, waterways, climate change, food waste, packaging, unhealthy diets and a lack of access to food, taking into account the full paths and processes from the farm to the family table. Ideas and inspiration to find solutions from a woman who truly understands how food can connect us all.





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