
Education / Hospitality / Career Development

Jasbir Kaur, Ignite Colleges

Having cooked in some of the finest restaurants in the world, including Barcelona’s Michelin-starred Disfrutar, Jasbir Kaur is now on a mission to inspire young people who are considering a career as a chef, while taking the New Zealand food story to the global stage to celebrate culinary excellence and cultural fusion. Jasbir recently brought together 29 talented competitors from across the region to compete in the 5th Australasian Tapas Competition. Jasbir is pictured here (above right) with chef Edna Tunc of Cordis Hotel who topped that competition, winning the opportunity to represent Australasia at the world tapas competition in Spain. Edna's tapa ‘Baklava for All’ fused Turkish and New Zealand culinary traditions, realising her vision to demonstrate the power of food to unite diverse backgrounds. The dish featured layers of baklava with king salmon mousse, a zesty lemon horopito syrup, kawakawa green oil and sea grapes. We look forward to following both Jasbir and Edna as they take the New Zealand food story to the world.





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